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 Weekly Events can be voluntarily hosted by anyone in  BunnyTeam.


Weekly Events can cover activities such as Raids or Crucible.


Objective for Raids in Weekly Events are :-   


Vault Of Glass - HM 

-To obtain Gorgon CP.


Crota's End - NM/HM 

- To help newer members train. 

- Road to 32. 

Buni ! 

URGENT ! BunnyTeam

House Rules Announcement!  All members are required to register their PSN ID and details HERE. It will allow us convenience and flexibility when matching teams for raids or activities. Do it! or no carrots for you. 

Join BunnyTeam

BunnyTeam is a casual clan formed by Malaysian LYN [] Playstation Destiny community. If you seek reliable companion who would watch your back and explore the true meaning of teamwork then you are most welcomed to join our rank. 


However, as a BunnyTeam clan member, you are expected to be capable of the following :- 

- Respect all other members.

- Respect all other players. 
- Engage in conversation like an adult.
- No trash talking, No complaining, None of your puberty gone wrong bullshit. 
- Understand the meaning of Teamwork and act like you do. 

- Learn to take and fulfill commands from raid leaders. 

- [For Raid Leaders] Lead by example and ensure team Discipline. 

- Individual Discipline, don't give up half way. Keep trying. Accept failure as part of 
   a bigger lesson. 

If you think you are capable of those listed above, then welcome ! 

Simply click the button below and go to our clan page. Once there, surf around and select
"Set clan as Playstation/Xbox clan* and you will be one of us. You can also find the link to our facebook on the banner above. P.s Wearing the Jade Rabbit Insignia emblem is part of Bunny Team's identity, so do wear it if you have. 




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